First time Interview
Interviewer: Well, firstly I would like to thank you for allowing me this time to talk to you. I guess we could start with the simple questions and then work on to more complex. How does that sound? Great…Fire away
NAME: Well…if you must know….oh all right fine….Shawn
AGE: Again…it depends on who’s asking……you???? 25…..oh the kids….right, 20 then
COUNTRIES: Hmmm, I was born in
Spent six more years of my life there, before leaving to the exciting land of Turkey where I have been 10years, 11 months, 12 days, 5 hours, 51 minutes and 19 seconds…wait…make that twenty seconds….wait make that 21 seconds….wait…make that…..ha, ha thought I would go on and on did you? And you’re absolutely right……25 seconds….26 seconds…..
I just wanted to take the time to say hi to all my friends and family… dad, it’s me thanks for reading….Bob, Ike, and Ali… guys are great thanks for your support….Jane, Sally and Mary…I love you all… guys are so wonderful…..I would like to thank my grandparents for having children that grew up, found each other and got married…..yes they were my parents….and I want to thank them for having me…..I also want to thank Salt of Earth who’s lovely music I am listening to right now… for that matter I also want to thank their spirit helpers who give them such good music…… Also I would like to thank Kim in the Kitchen who prepared for me these lovely peanut butter cookies, which is made with really healthy brown sugar…..along with a cold glass of fresh milk that the provisioning team provisioned from the sweet milk man.
Do you have any HOBBIES: Hummm, well they very in what mood I’m in. let’s say I’m in an intellectual mood….I enjoy a good scrabble game….along with a healthy snack made with honey. That can be very enjoyable. I also like to blast music loud and play on my drum set. This list might be quite long so bare with me…for I enjoy a variety of many things. I like writing and receiving spirit stories, playing guitar, eating a good meal, reading a good book. I like action games such as grease wrestling, and playing croquet, doing water ballet is also quite relaxing. I like to sleep….in a cold room with the AC on full blast and a nice thick warm blanket! A massive bowl of ice-cream will also be considered a hobby….a challenging hobby at that, for although I would like to eat the whole thing by my self, it challenges me to share with other…..! I enjoy creating music on the computer, and then deleting it afterwards. And a few more activities that I won’t really say a lot about them…but when I participate in them, they are very enjoyable.
Ok, give me a minute here… a bit longer…..I’ll tell you when I’m ready! Ok, as many people in life I too also passed through that stage where girls are the ickiest, yuckiest….most upsetting thing I could think of. I would have much rather stood in the corner all day or suck a boiled egg through a straw then sit next to a species of that…race…ug….I couldn’t stand them! And sad to say I spent a good deal of my younger days trying to avoid them and also spend as much time as I could annoying them and coming up with new ways of trying to put spinach water in the shampoo bottle without them knowing! Luckily for them, my friends and I never managed to succeed. But then when we moved out of the big, massive combos, and we changed fields, I moved out of the kid’s room and began to live with my older brothers. It was then that I began to see and hear that girls weren’t as bad as leftover boiled eggplant, and in fact my contact around them also grew as, number one, there were no girls in my home that were my age, and number two there were a lot more girls that were five to ten years older than me, who became my teachers. So that helped to change my concept of this confusing race of humans. So I was twelve I think when I began to change and take back all my oaths and promises that I gave myself….even though I still thought kissing to be too mushy. But all that changed when one day….I was walking along not looking to the right, nor to the left, when all of a sudden I ran smack into a pretty face! The rest I’ll leave for you to imagine.
First question….what is free time…??? Ha, ha, ok I’ll answer this one! Well I try to perfect all the things I want to get better at. Whether it be, writing a story, brushing my teeth or practicing drums and guitar. I also wanted to start water ballet, but the small catch is that there is no pool available nearby, and the bathtub is not deep enough. There are many things that I would like to do, so which ever activity is the most available at the moment that is usually what I would do. Because the basement is also the PPC office so that means that I can’t play drums at any time of the day… what I do in my free time changes with what is available.
This is a difficult one. I really enjoy Salt of Earth’s music! Their music rocks!!!! I don’t think I could get tried of their stuff another favorite album would be….Still Dropped Out, and not Ashamed of It” I also like Mike P’s stuff, I consider him one of the best! I also like a lot of the really old family music, like the old DTD tapes, they’re lots of fun to listen. And I think Singing Sam, Jerry Paladino, Pethuel, Mica Teddy Bear, Brother Son, and Solomon Touchstone were some of the best musicians we had in the family. Of course all of the musicians in the family are really good too. I like anything that has a good beat….If it’s got a smashing rhythm hell, give it to me and turn the sound up…Loud
I like them all! As I said earlier I am an avid book worm. I have read every single heaven’s library that has come out…all except for one! But I will be reading it soon. My favorites include, The Perfect Ones, The return of the Seven Keys, and the two other books that followed. Armageddon’s Wake, wasn’t Brad just so cool?! , and of course the Adventures of My Pet Skunk.
I like to play Tennis, basketball, ping-pong, but on TV I like to watch, ice volleyball, cross country skiing, the five mile marathon, and the world championships of snail racing!
Ok you know when your kinda like thinking about something but then you forget what you were thinking of, and then you try to think about what you were thinking, but that just pushes it deeper from you thinking, so the harder you try to think to remember what you were thinking about, you think about different things and then that gets you thinking and you get lost in thought trying to think about what you last thought about, all this is happening right before you fall asleep, then you wake up and remember that you were trying to think of something before you fell asleep, but then you remembered that you forgot what you were thinking abut….sound confusing…….good, perfect!
I think one of the best things about the Family is that we all live together. I know that I times, you wish that you could just live by yourself, but actually the way we live all together is one of the most exciting, fun, challenging, and just far out way the prophets of the end can live! Oh and one more thing….you get help to do your laundry….do you know how annoying it is to take it to a Chinese laundry-mats????? Well trust me….It is….i prefer to do my laundry at home
For all of you who are going through trials and are discouraged, and may seem that all you do is school, dishes, school, dishes, and it just doesn’t seem to end. Well believe me….that part of life won’t end, I’m still doing dishes……But in all seriousness, don’t give up, don’t quit. I felt like quitting too, but thought that kept me from going insane with all those dishes, is the fact that we are preparing for the End time. Just think how much fun it will be as we call lightening down from the sky, feed the masses of people who want to know the truth, fight against the AC soldiers with such powerful weapons that it will make light-sabers look like a used baby’s dipper. The Endtime is coming, and it’s going to be awesome, and I want to do all I can now, so that I’ll be prepared when the time comes. As I good friend of mine said, “Your gift of prophecy has to be so strong that you can be like running on the top of a skyscraper, being chased by Anti-Christ soldiers, and the lord may tell you to jump. So when you come to the edge you just jump, and you fly to safety. But what if you don’t ask the lord before you jump, maybe he wants you to chuck them all off the edge, but your connection with the lord isn’t that strong, and you jump off the edge.” Well I hope my connection is as strong as it can be…..because I’m afraid of heights!
Well I think I ran way past my page limit, our dear sweet editor will probably hack and cut a bunch out from what I wrote so I’ll end with this comment. YGAAGWNEAEOOY…W?BYDSAGJODHFKPTTTLGYWIBCGDCOMCAIATTKUTGWADFTWBYELYL.
You guys are all great; we need each and every one of you…why? Because you do such a good job on dishes. Have fun, keep practicing the talents the lord gave you, whether it be cooking, guitar, drawing, cleaning, or making cleaning agents inside a test tube. keep up the good work and don’t forget to wash behind your ears. Love you lots,
End of interview
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