Dear Abby
Dear Abby,
I really look forwards to devotions each and every day. I really drink it in along with my cup of coffee. There is just one problem, and that with out fail after around a half-hour a loud snorting sound emits from one of the corners of the room. At first we (us adults) we quite stumped as to where the snoring was coming from, but after further investigation we discovered that it came from several of the young people who had fallen asleep at devotions. I felt sorry for them so I tried to read louder with a megaphone but that only made the snoring unbearable. We then called the paramedics and after intense electric shock we managed to revive them. On further questioning we asked why they were falling into such a deep sleep during devotions. They replied that it was really slow moving and sounded just like Alexander Scorby that it really this automatically put them to sleep and they commended us for doing such a good job. What can I do? I know that they need their daily word time, but how can I keep them awake long enough for them to really partake of the word?
Aunty Amelia of Ahab from Argentina
I know exactly how you feel. A little while back we had the same problem in our home. For around an hour each and every morning it sounded like early morning traffic was going right through our living room. We tried to get mufflers, but they seemed rather expensive and also rather distracting. Can you imagine four or five young people sitting at devotions with mufflers on their head? Yeah…pretty corny right? Well it got to a point that we were desperate for a change. Little did we know that the answer was in our hands all along. We discovered a wealth of material right in front of our very eyes, it just took a little time to discover it, but once we did…. boy did it sure make a difference. No longer were the JT/TNs sleeping through devotions, they were jumping out of bed and rushing to the living room long before I even grabbed my cup of coffee. Sure it takes a bit of work and of bit of heavenly thought power but the results are well worth it. Try it some time, put a bit of effort into your devotions and see what difference it makes. I tried it and I’m glad I did, it made a world of change. If you are really not sure what to do, or if your doing it right, well just for your benefit I took the liberty to add one of my very own devotional charts, which I personally did. Try it and you tell me if doesn’t change your morning devotions. After a while try to make your own action-packed devotions, and if they are a hit send them in and I’ll be sure to pass them to all of my friends. I hope this will help you and make your devotions feeding and inspiring for all.
Remember; always start the day as if it were on purpose.
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