Friday, August 25, 2006

Dear Abby #2

Dear Abby,
I have a twelve-year-old son. He is a normal kid of his age. He loves to play football, and hid-and-go-seek, and he can transform a chewed up straw into an Inter-galactic-plasma rocket missile. Over the past few weeks I have noticed a slow yet steady transformation forming over his character. We all know how boys hate girl at this age…and my son Keith is no exception. At times I thought that he was the mastermind of this girl-hating logic, and always had a wealth of knowledge and experience to keep the young girls miserable for days at a time.
However recently I noticed him acting rather strange to 11 year-old Suzie, he actually offered to help do her JJT when she said that she wasn’t feeling well. While cleaning his bedroom I found a ML volume in the back of his bookshelf…the bookmarker was stuck so that when I opened the book, I saw a very graphic picture that I had not seen for quite a few years. It was the one that Grandpa had drawn and displayed in “Revolutionary Love Making” I was quite taken back…because all though Grandpa was a very good teacher, I don’t really want something that extreme to be Keith’s first knowledge on sex. I know I need to approach this subject with him, but I don’t really know what to use. Is there anything that you know that might be helpful with the little problem?

What usually starts as something small will swell to mammoth proportions. Now before we all choke and gag…let me say that I know that this is a sticky subject, but I think that most of us are of mature age and have no doubt had our fair share of experience, some that were good and others that left a bad taste in our mouths. So why don’t I just grab this by the head and before it erupts any further I shall explore the depths of this subject. I really don’t want to jump down people’s throats, but sometimes we just have to swallow our pride and discuss this with the children like grownups. We need to lay a good, firm grip on this growing issue. Our children are growing up, they will soon be young adults, and if they don’t learn it from you first off, they will learn it from the many hundreds of other sources that are only to eager to offer the new generation ‘their’ views on sex, love, and reproduction.
There have been several mags that have come out over the past few years that I would advise you to take advantage of. They offer advise, give counsel, and of wealth of material, along with games, questions and answers and much more. And if that isn’t enough you could always help out with your extensive research…after all how was your child conceived into the world?
So remember: always start the day as if it were on purpose ok?


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