Sunday, January 07, 2007

This was written about three years, when the war in Iraq just started. So it might be a little old...hope you don't mind.


Dear Mr. Bush,

I would firstly like to congratulate you for your quick, easy, and almost painless war. You have once again rid yourself and the inhabitants of the free world another ‘Axis of evil.’ One down two to go. You gave the world front seats and free tickets to view this chapter in mankind’s history etched in blood by sending in first rate journalists, who unlike dictators that use censorship and propaganda, these reporters gave very open and honest reports. About how America is under constant attack, the need for righteous revenge, how hard a soldier’s life is on foreign soil, how bad the very evil regime in Iraq has to be abolished, and how America is putting forth her neck in order to save the world from an evil oppressor who has been on economic sanctions for the past eleven years, who had a third of its country cut off with the no-fly zones, whose gross national product under the UN sanctions is less then what Bill Gates makes in a month, and yet has a great arsenal of weapons that could bring about the apocalypse.

This is where I had a few questions. You and I both know that the weapon inspectors are intelligent men and women who are highly trained, and are capable of doing their job, because if they weren’t proficient, it would be hard for them to well, be assigned for the job, right? So how come if Hans Blix, and his entire staff, who are in Bagdad, say that they haven’t found any trace of chemical, biological, or even nuclear weapons, which, if you didn’t know are sort of hard to make, and even harder to get rid of the evidence. Yet you Mr. Bush, who is sitting thousands of miles away, all comfy and safe in a fall out shelter, say that you have proof that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction. Um…excuse me, the inspectors are in Iraq, they are in Baghdad. Why can’t they find any ‘real proof’ when you and Blair can? Maybe Saddam’s evil cronies bribed or brainwashed Blix and team to either lie or hide the weapons. Well, I must say that they did one hell of a job, because no one can find those weapons. And another thing Mr. Bush how do you define weapons of mass destruction, and what are they? Are not A-10 Warthog and Apache gun ships also weapons of mass destruction? And what about the 900 sorties that flew over Iraq during the first three or four days? Are they not also weapons of mass destruction? A-10 Abram tanks, not weapons of mass destruction? B-22 and B-2 bombers, not weapons of mass destruction? The MOAB missile, the largest non-nuclear bomb, is that not also a weapon of mass destruction? Excuse me Mr. Bush, who here has weapons of mass destruction?

Now don’t get me wrong here, I’m not justifying Saddam. I think we can all agree that he is a bad wicked tyrant, who has oppressed and killed his own people. But who said it is our God given right to try, and succeed to remove a regime from power. We kick God and the Bible out of our schools, make it illegal to pray in class, can’t punish or correct our own children, fight to get “one nation under God” taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance, when after all America was founded as a Christian nation. But heck, we have no need for Him. And then yet, we have the nerve to call this a ‘Holy War’. Please! Mr. Bush, you are a self-proclaimed Christian, why don’t you first take care of the problems in your own back yard, then worry about evil oppressors tens of thousands of miles away.

“But he has killed, tortured, and maimed his own people. He is a threat to all of mankind.” Well Mr. Bush, why didn’t we go and take out the government in Cambodia when Pol Pot massacred millions? Why didn’t we go after China after they slaughtered their own people in Tiananmen Square, while they were protesting for democracy. And secondly Mr. Bush, why did we go after Saddam anyway? There are plenty of other regimes in the world that “need” changing. Didn’t the government in North Korea threaten to “Engulf the world in fire?” I don’t know but that sounds a little dangerous to me, and also one of the first threats of nuclear war since the Cold War. India and Pakistan had an escalation of violence towards one another but neither side threatened each other much less the world about scorching it with fire. China is also another threat to the world. Why don’t we bomb them and invade Peking, after all SARS did originate there? They did not warn the international community when it began, and when it spread to other countries, they not only lied to the WHO but they also tampered with the statistics of the disease, which is a pretty big “no no” in my book. And personally Mr. Bush I think that China will kill more people through this virus then Saddam ever did.

When you started the war you said that diplomacy had failed. In a way I wish that we were living back in times of old, because if we did, you could have challenged Saddam to a duel. You could have spared countless of lives, saved billions of dollars worth of weapons, and not destroy an entire country. In the end one of you would be dead and the case closed and the world keeps on spinning. Okay I admit that is a bit extreme. You could have at least flown from your safe little bunker in DC and gone over and talked to the guy face to face. That wouldn’t have hurt anybody or anything except maybe your pride. But no, you had to go in with you guns blazing and cannons blasting, almost provoking an attack which you could then use as an excuse to justify the war. Thank God it was over pretty quick and didn’t claim thousands of lives.

And Mr. Bush, just one more question, where is Saddam now? Will he to slip through your fingers? Or will he just fade like Osama bin Ladin, out into oblivion, while we replace him with yet another villain as you continue your conquest for world domination. With Big Brother becoming increasingly present and intruding in our private lives, on the pretext for homeland security, that now, anyone who says or does anything apart from the norm will be under high scrutiny and surveillance, what are your plans for us Mr. Bush? What other country or nation will come under attack for saying or acting differently then what America wants? With this war you just lost what little sympathy America had from other countries during the 9/11 attacks. For before the war started and before ‘Endearing Freedom’ we had 1 Osama and 1 Saddam. Now after those campaigns and ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’ we have 100 Osamas and 100 Saddams. One terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. History will decide who is the hero, and who is the fiend. But in the end, when wrongs will be made right, we shall see who is judging and who will be judged.


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