Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Some More Just-So Stories

This story takes place before the world was tame and many wonderful and terrible creatures walked the earth. In the vast land of Africa on the empty plains wild gazelle and zebra ran where they pleased. But none were as majestic or as beautiful as the Lion. He was strong as ten buffaloes, and his coat was as the shiniest of gold. When he roared his voice echoed across the savannah and the ground trembled. One day Lion, feeling the urge to travel set out on a long journey, far and wide he traveled where there were few antelope, and fewer conies to eat. Now in this strange land there man lived and he hunted for himself and for his family with long and thin twigs that could fly very far and kill what he wanted. Now Lion was very hungry and was out hunting, soon he came upon the spore of a large, fat buffalo, he followed the scent until he came upon the largest buffalo that Lion had ever seen. He crept up and killed the buffalo, and proceeded to eat the entire carcass. Upon finishing he felt so good that he opened his mouth and roared a mighty roar that birds trembled and flew into the heavens. He roared again and again, long, loud and mighty roars that shook the earth. A strong, brave hunter, hearing these thunderous roars came upon the Lion and killed it with his arrows that were strong as they were sharp.

The moral of the story children….when you’re full of bull, keep your mouth shut.

The End!


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