Once upon a time, there was a big, big tree. In the big, strong tree branches was a small pretty little nest. Now one day an egg appeared, it was grey, with small grey circles. It wasn’t long before a cute little bird popped out of the grey, little egg. The bird was called Globi. Now Globi the bird was the cutest bird that you had ever seen. Day by day little Globi grew and grew and grew until it was big and strong. But dearly Beloved, Globi had a few problems; he was very stubborn and did not like people telling him what to do. He often didn’t do as he was asked and when he did, he did it long after someone had asked him.
Now the months passed and soon it was autumn and the heat turned into a nice cool breezes that ran playfully through Globi’s feathers. Everyone was preparing to fly south, because that is what birds do when it gets too cold. So while every one was getting ready, Globi was out chasing toads and lizards that had gotten fat from the lazy bugs. Before long everyone had flown south except for Globi, he didn’t see why every one had left so early, after all the weather was still nice, the sun was out and lots of juicy bugs to eat.
Now thousands of miles away in South America lived Wilbor the Warthog. He was a happy, fat, stinky warthog. Everyday after his morning breakfast of grubs and slime, he would go and take a long bath in the cool mud stream. Once he finished he bath he would get out all nice and muddy and continue to look for big, fat, slimy beetles, crunchy nuts and sticky, yummy, slime.
Back at home in cold England poor little Globi was freezing. The winter had arrived much sooner then little Globi was expecting it. Now all the bugs had gone and there weren’t many good things to eat. So on one bitter, cold day, freezing Globi decided to fly south and join his entire family on the warm beaches of Spain. So he flapped his little wings and headed towards a warmer climate. But he had left too late; a freezing storm had just hit the coast as soon as Globi arrived. The rain turned to ice and completely froze Globi, causing him to fall to the ground as a block of ice. Poor Globi, what could he do? He sat there all cold, and shivering, not able to move, because his wings were frozen solid, while Wilbor the Warthog was sun-bathing his hairy, smelly, belly in the Amazon sun.
Over head Carl the Crow was happily flapping about catching the frozen rain in his beak. Carl liked the cold and the snow, he was used to it. He was fat and warm from stealing a large steak from Gregor the Italian man who owned a Steak House. As Carl the Crow was playing in the snow, he felt to urge to relive himself. He did and his dropping fell right on top of frozen Globi. Now Globi was really sad, not only did he miss his family, and frozen solid, he was covered with the stinky, slimy droppings of Carl the Crow. But, most puzzled Beloved, listen to my tale. The horrible substance from Carl the Crow began to warm Globi, and soon all the ice began to melt. Hurray for Globi, he was not mad at Carl the Crow anymore because he was all nice and warm. He was so warm in fact that he began to sing, happily and merrily. He thought that he would reach his family in time, before the winter season was over. He was singing at the top of his voice when, Charlie the Cat heard the happy singing. He was hungry as his owners were away for the weekend and had forgotten to feed him. So Charlie discovered the source of the chirping, cleared away the mush from Carl the Crow and promptly ate Globi.
Now dearly Beloved, the moral of the story is…
When you are asked to do things, do them right away, or you’ll get stuck in the cold as did poor Globi
Not all those who crap on you are your enemies.
When you’re up to your head in shit keep your mouth shut.
Not all those who pull you out of crap are your friends
What did Wilbor the Warthog have to do with the story…absolutely nothing!
The End